General terms of sale 1 January 2024
- Contractual terms
This document constitutes Deltronic Security AB ( 556096-8348, hereinafter referred to as Deltronic) general terms and conditions of sale and covers all sales, unless otherwise agreed between Customer and Deltronic from the above date and replaces previously published terms of sale by Deltronic. If there is any doubt of translation, the Swedish version will prevail the English version. Ordering products and services from Deltronic at the same time constitutes acceptance of our general terms of sale and is valid as an agreement for all deliveries to The Customer unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Customer and Deltronic.
- Ordering products and services
Customers can order products and services by email to, telephone or the web shop on the website. Products presented on Deltronic’s website make up Deltronic’s standard range of products.
- Prices and shipping
Current prices are available from our sales department and are subject to change without notice. All prices are inclusive of environmental charges, but excluded of shipping and VAT. Environmental charges are determined by the El-Kretsen and refer to the recycling of detectors and batteries. Shipping will be added to all deliveries. The total shipping cost is determined at the time of delivery when it is clear what the item weighs. If items are not received/collected by the Customer and returned, it will be sent again with a new charge of shipping and return shipping cost.
- Payment terms
Payment terms are 30 days from the invoice date for customers who have completed an approved credit check and pay on time. The invoice must be paid so that the invoice amount is available in Deltronic’s bank account at the due date. In the event of late payment, Deltronic has the right to charge interest on late payments in accordance with the Interest Act, as well as the statutory reminder fee and any collection fee, including collection costs.
Invoices are sent as pdf via email or electronically via InExchange.
If there are doubts about the customer’s ability to pay, Deltronic has the right to shorten the credit period or require prepayment before a delivery.
Delivered products are Deltronic’s property until full payment has been received.
- Order and order confirmation
When the customer orders goods or services from Deltronic, the customer accepts these General Terms of Sale. By accepting the terms and conditions, the customer undertakes to comply with the terms and conditions in their entirety. Otherwise, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact Deltronic as soon as possible.
When placing orders, an order confirmation is sent by e-mail. The order confirmation constitutes a binding agreement between the parties. The customer is responsible for reconnecting to Deltronic if the customer does not receive an order confirmation or if the contents of the same do not match the customer’s order within 24 hours.
- Delivery
Delivery is made with Deltronic hired carrier, delivery terms; FCA. The risk of delivery passes to the customer when the product is handed over to the carrier.
Deltronic bears no responsibility whatsoever for any delay in delivery that occurs beyond Deltronic’s control.
- Transport damage
Upon receipt, the customer must check that the products supplied are free of transport damage. Transport damage must be reported to the carrier and Deltronic ( on the day of arrival. Undetected hidden transport damage shall be reclaimed as soon as possible and in any event within one week of receipt of delivery. If the customer does not put forward a complaint about transport damages within specified time limits, the customer loses the right to claim against the carrier and Deltronic.
- Complaint
Upon receipt, the customer must check the delivery/product. In order to claim that a product/delivery is faulty, the customer must, immediately after discovering the defect, complain to Deltronic, but no later than 10 days from the date of invoice.
In case of a complaint, the customer should contact Deltronic by email to with full specification of the nature of the fault. Upon return of the product, the shipping must be paid by the customer. In the event of a false complaint, Deltronic has the right to return the product to the customer at the customer’s expense. Returns must be returned well packed in full/original packaging. The customer bears the risk during transport. Any transport damage due to inadequate packaging will be charged to the customer. Deltronic reserves the right to inspect/control the product and charge a test fee if the product is not faulty and the complaint is therefore not accepted.
- Warranty
Deltronic guarantee to you as a buyer that the delivered product will be free from defects in materials, workmanship or design during normal use and service for a period of 5 years unless otherwise is stated on the product. This warranty is non-transferable. The terms of this warranty do not apply if the product has been modified, disassembled, contaminated, damaged, neglected or otherwise misused, or if the instructions for use have not been followed.
- Liability
If there are errors for which Deltronic is responsible, Deltronic will remedy the fault by repair, replacement or refund. Deltronic is not responsible for the compatibility of products with the customer’s existing equipment or with other products in Deltronic’s range unless it is clearly stated in the product description. Deltronic’s liability for defects in the product is limited to what is stated above and the customer cannot make other claims against Deltronic due to defects. Under no circumstances is Deltronic responsible for indirect or consequential damages during the use of Deltronic’s products.
The total liability that may arise for Deltronic against the customer (including liability for acts or omissions by Deltronic’s personnel or subcontractors and liability related to price reductions, redelivery or similar) is limited to the price paid by the customer for the faulty product.
- Links to other web pages
Links on Deltronic’s website enable visitors to receive in-depth information. The linked pages are not controlled by Deltronic and Deltronic is therefore not responsible whatsoever for the content of such web pages or the content of the links on such web pages.
- Website and intellectual property rights
The content of Deltronic’s website is owned by Deltronic Security AB. The information is protected by marketing and intellectual property laws, which means that trademarks, trade names, product names, images and graphics, design, layout, etc. may not be copied or otherwise used without the written consent of Deltronic. Printing or other copying of the material is permitted for your own use only.
- GDPR and personal data
In connection with the customer’s order, Deltronic will process personal data needed to carry out delivery and invoicing. By providing delivery and invoice information when ordering products, the customer has given consent for Deltronic to process their personal data. Personal data that is not required by government decision may be revoked by the customer at any time.
- Applicable law and dispute
Swedish law and the Swedish language shall apply to these General Terms of Sale. Disputes concerning the interpretation or application of these General Terms of Sale shall be finally settled by arbitration in Gothenburg in accordance with the Rules of The Board of Trustees of the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce regarding mediation and arbitration. Deltronic also has the right to apply for an order for payment or to bring an action for non-payment before a general court.
- Force Majeure
Deltronic has the right to suspend, restrict or suspend delivery without liability to the extent that delivery is impossible or substantially impeded or substantially impeded or increased due to circumstances beyond Deltronic’s control, such as war-like events, insurrections and disturbances, interruption of public relations, import and export restrictions, legal regulation or other edicts by authorities in Sweden or abroad, strike, lockout, blockade or other obstacle to work, fire , explosions or other accidents, or for failure or delay in subcontracting services due to the above circumstances.
- Other
Deltronic reserves the right to change all information, including but not limited to, prices, manuals and specifications without prior notice.
Information is provided with reservation for printing and typing errors, errors in specifications and in case of possible final sale.
The information contained on Deltronic’s website does not constitute any commitment of usability, suitability or warranty other than what has been directly stated to the customer.
Deltronic reserves the right to amend these General terms of sale at any time.